Why We March, Why We Fight

Intactivist Artwork from Devon Osel


The image above as well as the following thought provoking pieces were contributed by Devon Osel, an outspoken intactivist in America. Feel free to share the link. Thank you, Devon.

More from Devon can be found HERE.

Also check out this facebook page.

Secret Penis

Please check out our newest link (on the right hand side of screen you'll find the link list), Secret Penis.

This man has put in a lot of effort to educate about the penis. This site is not porn, but you will find graphic photography of the human male adult penis. I especially like his page on his circumcision status.

AAP Allowed this information at one time


Contributed by Devon Osel

Reader asks about intactivist art

A reader asks:
"Do you think that by spreading different levels of intactivist art, it will help increase awareness and maintain a stronger impression the unsure and undecided? If so, how do we get those artist the attention they need to help spread this message?"

Art imitates life imitates art. Yes, I do believe it helps raise awareness.

Comments welcome.

Submit your own reader question by clicking here.

Lack of consent

Contributed by:
Breanna McDonald

Dear I am Muslim man and ...

A reader writes:

"Dear I am Muslim man and victim of genital mutilation so called circumcision, I think it is time to reveal real demonic roots of circumcision, I am from Mesopotamia  were all story started, I have info about that and I think it would help to fight back"

Would love to hear more of your story.